Monday, February 24, 2014

Cleaning the bathroom with Eggshells

Another yoga pants Monday, my favorite day of the week! 

YES!  I am that lady you see with a crying toddler, wearing her yoga pants at Walmart, or Scott's, or the Do-It-Center, or even McDonald's trying to get everything done before the older kids get off the school bus. 

With the weather we have been having here in Indiana this year, the poor guys have to go to school for an extra hour a day all month!  Which is good and bad, but it gave me and my three year old some sit down and eat lunch together time (INSIDE McDonald's instead of in the car!  Precious Memories I tell you)

But on to the point...

So last night I made scrambled eggs for little Miss Zoie at midnight (second shifters unite), and I saved the egg shells because I have been wanting to try something out.

I read recently on my facebook feed that you can combine Baking Soda and Hydro-Peroxide to clean grout and what not... I have also been reading about the wonders of eggshells.  So I wanted to mix the two and see what would happen!

Unfortunately for me we have VERY hard water around here and the poor Culligan Man couldn't do his monthly service due to the PILES AND PILES of snow so the rust is getting pretty bad.  So I mix my solution...

I dump (NO measurements required I know what paste looks like) my scented carpet freshener into a bowl.  Cotton Candy Baking Soda Then I pour some Hydro-Peroxide in and add the powder of one eggshell. 

Let sit for as long as I can stand to wait (as long as it takes me to go to my bedroom and find a clean washrag from my laundry baskets that still need put away from last week :) ) and back to the bathroom.

I should stop right here and let you know how much I LOVE cleaning my bathroom!!!  You can't tell by looking at it a lot of the times during my work 'week' and from the rust build up but I really enjoy cleaning it....  but I digress....

This solution definitely made cleaning the bathtub super easy and smelling good like Cotton Candy!  Cleaned the toilet and it looks like I hit it with THE WORKS (better than using just baking soda and vinegar) AND my sink looks sparkly white again!

Is this a QUICK fix like all the chemical cleaners you can find at the store?  No, but that is perfectly fine in this household!  My beautiful 3 year old I was telling you about earlier has some serious skin problems and so does my handsome 14 year old.  So I try really hard not to add any more harsh chemicals than necessary to my cleaning regiment. 

It's been two years now and they haven't had any skin problems this winter!  Did I mention it has been the worst in Indiana History???

Visit my Facebook page CRAZY LADY'S HOMEMADE SOAPS & SUCH 

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