Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ahhhh, Let the Sunshine In!!!

It's been one of those winters that last forever and everyday you wake up (even though the Summer Officially Begins in like 16 days) you expect there still to be grey snowing wetness out your window. But here I finally sit, with the windows open... the birds chirping outside, clothes hanging on the line... and I am crocheting! I have always crocheted in the summer for some reason or another. Trying to get Christmas presents done in time, birthday presents, fresh new crochet pattern book that needs tested... This year is Wash Clothes.

Yes, in the summer I dust off my old scrub board and do most of my laundry the old fashion way.

I figure it saves money, gas, the environment AND believe it or not HOURS of my life not spent in the laundry mat! I still save back jeans and towels for the industrial setting, but yeah ... I'm getting off the point.

So, anyway, this week I hadn't washed anything yet and needed a clean washrag to do the dishes. So I start crocheting and of course posting to all my friends and family of Facebook how resourceful I was being! Within a couple minutes I am making my mom two and a friend a work one. So... since my house is about full of soap again I am shifting my gears a little to include some Suches to my Etsy Shop.

Other Awesome Ideas
*Fabric Softener Sheets
(just soak in your favorite fabric softener and throw in your dryer with each load... or let liquid fabric softener dry and can be used up to 10 times before re-soaking!)

*Collect a lot and sew them together to make an Awe-Inspiring Homemade Afghan that you get the credit for! <----- my favorite idea! Find me ALL OVER the Internet! Facebook

Friday, May 30, 2014


Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy shop at

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bubble Bath Bouquet

When I was pregnant with my second son my husband bought me a dozen roses... Yes, I should have been glowing happily as my flowers were the talk of the office! I should have been filled with love as I gazed at my roses but I was just do upset at the amount of money spent on flowers that were going to die in a week and serve no other purpose.

These Bubble Bath Fondant Flowers not only look pretty, they are 12 spa day bubble baths, that smell like your favorite scent, in your favorite colors!

Each flower is an once of handmade bubble bath fondant. Each one is as unique!

Made with SLSA so it's safer for those with more delicate skin.